
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Name My Quilt contest

My yet unnamed quilt is finally quilted and bound!

The first time I posted this quilt when it was not yet finished, three comments were left suggesting names for the quilt.  Click here to see the original post and comments.  My husband got a big kick out of Deb's comment! Karin left this comment-"Oh my gosh - did you have that beautiful quilt in your head when you were making the triangles & squares, or did you just figure it out when you laid 'em all out? Whatever, it's gorgeous!! How about calling it the Road to Texas, or Right Up Your Alley (in honor of the bowling hubs did)? Very nice, whatever you call it!"

That comment gave me two ideas-
1. I could show my design process
2. I could have a Name My Quilt contest

So, here's how the design process went-
I paired up lots of light neutral fabric nickel squares with lots of darker nickel squares and made each set of squares into half square triangle blocks or four patch blocks.  Then, what to do with all those blocks? 
I made a bunch of them into this nine patch block, made 20 of the blocks,

laid the blocks out on my design wall and took these photos,

(The photos are pretty bad but I was only taking them to record the layouts not knowing at the time that anyone else might see them.)

decided on this last one and sewed it together.  Wow, I just realized that here are 9 more quilts that I designed.  They should qualify toward my goal of designing 55 quilts in my 55th year. Yippee, that brings me up to 31 quilt designs and 7 other ideas for using nickel squares!

Then I decided it needed a border and went through the same basic process to decide on the border.  As you can see in the finished photo above, I chose an inner and outer border. 

Last but not least, I had to go through my stash and find something for the backing and binding.

I pieced the backing using fabrics from my stash and used more of the same strips from my stash that I used for the inner border for the binding.  Another quilt without buying any more fabric.  Hooray!!
Here's a close-up of the quilting by Linda which is a wavy X with smaller Xs in the border.

Now, for the contest(actually more of a give-away), I decided to let you name my quilt!  To be eligible for the Name My Quilt Contest, just leave a name for this quilt in the comments at the bottom of this page and you will get a FREE pattern download of your choice.   Be sure to tell me what pattern you would like from the choices here.  Don't leave an anonymous comment or I won't know where to send your free pattern! If you prefer, you may send me an e-mail instead.  Those that have left names already can just send an e-mail and let me know what pattern you would like.  The pattern is for your own personal use only and cannot be copied and shared.  If you have a friend that may like a pattern, just tell them how to enter.  You have until midnight (CDT) on August 22 ,2011 to Name My Quilt and receive a free pattern.


  1. Love the Twisted Nickel quilt pattern -and I would call this one "Crossroads"

  2. "Nickel X-Periment" is my suggestion. I like your Ziggity Zag.

  3. Great setting. When I saw it, I thought "X-Marks the Spot"

  4. I saw the picture of today's post & thought - wow, I love that quilt, but it looks like one I'd seen recently....and so I had. :) I still like "Road to Texas" or "Right up Your Alley" because they have such personal meanings for this quilt & you. If you're seriously giving out patterns, I'd be honored to have Twisted Nickel.

    Thank you for sharing your design process - it was really cool to see all the possibilities you came up with, but I do like the one you chose the best!

  5. It reminds me of a Jacob's Ladder block. I would name your quilt ladders and crosses.

  6. Maggie, please let me know which pattern you would like and an e-mail address to send it to.

  7. name suggestion: CrissCross
    pattern choice: twirligig

    I'm simply amazed with your devotion to charms, and love the layout you chose for this block. Make me want to go home and try my hand at 'creating'! Thanks for your inspiration!


  8. Iris, please send me your email address so I can send your pattern.

  9. Yikes! I got behind in reading my blogs and I missed out on the Name Your Quilt contest!! I can hardly wait to see what you end up with!!



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